How John Fish Changed My Life

John Fish (@thejohnfish) | Twitter
John Fish

So I started watching John’s videos when quite a few of his videos on studying at Harvard starting blowing up.
And as the curious person that I am, I saw videos of him describing his days as a Harvard student.
I liked quite a few of his videos, and so I decided to stick around.

A year or so ago, he posted a video that changed my life.

A book a week for 6 Months: What I’ve Learnt

This video is the point in time in my life where I can definitively say made me want to start reading again.
In this this video, he goes through the 26 books that he read in increasing order of impactfulness.
And as he got closer to the books to the top of the list, I could see it in his eyes, how much he loved talking about it, and could also see how much those books meant to him.
And I don’t know what struck me that day while watching this video, but I envied him.
The reason was that I didn’t think I had something that I could talk so passionately about at the time.

This one video changed my life as it:
1) got me to start reading again.
I’ve read 10 books this year, which is nowhere near the number of books he’s read, but it doesn’t matter. Because of him, I’ve started reading again, and rediscovered the love for reading and I’ve read more than I’ve ever read before in a year.
2) I at least feel like I’ve found something that I can talk passionately about. It isn’t books (yet), but it is writing.
Only recently did I start writing, and it is something that I’ve discovered that I really reallllly enjoy doing it.

Y’all should 100% go check him out. he’s been doing some cool stuff recently!

John, thanks a bunch my dude.

He read and liked the post!

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