Why you should watch Exurb1a

It’s one of those days you wonder why you’re alive, and if there’s any meaning to your existence. You go into a spiralling train of thought wherein you search for any semblance of happiness in your life.
It was one of those days for me, and the YouTube Gods decided to be nice to me, and recommended one of exurb1a’s videos.

Watching his video was an experience. It was one of those experiences where you just take a seat, and reflect on all the decisions you’ve made up until that point, and whether any of it was meaningful, and if it will ever be.

Exurb1a is one of my most favorite YouTubers.
I’d found him during a time where I just dipped my toes into philosophy, and I don’t think I’ve ever topped this discovery.  The stories he tells have a very relatable spin to it. I think it’s because a lot of us have experienced existentialism at least once.

The reason I love his channel is because he has the ability to translate complicated emotions into easy, and digestible content. I’m sure you’d love his stuff, and would recommend checking him out.

Some videos I’d recommend watching:

and then we’ll be okay

Sleep is Just Death Being Shy

The Rememberer

Go on now. Have fun 🙂

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